Friday, April 26, 2013

ME: За да те помня и дори когато забравям//Remembering the forgotten ones

Мъка, теглило, и мъничко щастие,
роден да умреш и потънеш в забрава,
защо тия усилия да останеш,
ако даже и спомена в чуждите мисли изгаря?

Защо ти е плът,
ако тя се погуби?
И защо са делата,
ако тях не ги помнят?

Как тъжно е всяко едно раждане –
за смърт обещание
и за още забрава!

Misery, suffering, and tiny bit happiness,
born just to die and to slip in oblivion,
why does one bother to sit out through that play,
when not even a memory lingers in others?

What is the use of the flesh
if it all fades away?
And why are the deeds
if they’re not remembered?

Is there anything sadder than birth –
just a promise for drown
in the Lethean waters!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

ME: This it takes for me to die

You want to hear about my tears?
You want to know you hurt me?
If only I could tell,
put all the pain in words,
I would have told you.

You want to hear you’ve won?
You want to know about my death?
Here I lie - a promise

to never come back from the dead
and bring you sorrows back.

I want to hear from you,
I want to know this only –
in my grave you’ll leave me peaceful
my death to be my place to hide
where for my fate in the eternity I’ll cry.