Friday, May 20, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

МЕ: Полет към дълбините

"Всеки човек е едно странно дърво
с клони - ръце протегнати към бъдещето,
корени - спомени далеч назад"
Ахат - Дървото

Отдавна моите ръце
са впити в черната пръст -
в празния гроб,
със празни очи.

Отдавна напуснах света
и твоите черни лъжи.
Да избягам опитах
далеч от извратените ви мечти.

Отдавна мойта душа
се рее без път и следа,
не мога сама да я спра
и да я върна на нашта земя…

Най-дълбоките ми уважения към група Ахат!

ME: The perfume

You make a flower bleed
to create the perfect perfume…
You kill the hundred blossoms
to breathe life into a fragrance…

You took my body and soul
and exhausted every dream,
to live through me
and leave me stiff and stark.

Monday, May 16, 2011

ME: On the dusty door-step

“There’s nothing like a trail of blood
to find your way back home.”

Here I stand on the dusty door-step
Listening the silence
My head’s bowed down
And my spirit – broken.

I ran away to feel the freedom
To see the world in full,
But I just made it to the purgatory,
Met only demons on my way.

I ran away from you while bleeding
I’m coming home ‘cause I am dead.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

ME: Attempt

Try walking in my shoes –
may not be easy,
but if I can do it
you are able too!

Try doing it my way –
walk on fire barefoot,
I’m about to quit it
do you dare to try?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

ME: The season in me

Turn my summer into winter,
so I could freeze again
and feel no pain.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

ME: My demons raging

To calm my demons
I am writing,
to free the spirit
from the pain,
to raise a glass
for what is lost
and find a way
to move on.

To calm my demons
I am walking,
to see the sun
in brighter sky,
to burn the ghost
that hides within me,
to try to bring
back my smile.

To calm my demons
I am talking,
to mend what’s done
and bring new life,
to say “I’m sorry”
and regret it
for there is no one
here to hear me.

ME: To Hell I go...

To Hell I go
to have my dinner
and back to Earth -
for a dessert.

Demons feed
on my thick blood,
behind my eyes
they hide from light.

Don’t pull my strings
for you’ll regret it,
don’t think to touch
for it will burn -

from Hell I came
to make you happy,
then make you cry
and take your soul away.

ME: The clown is dead

The clown is dead
and very silly
with empty eyes
that smile at me.

The mouth is opened
but it’s speechless
for there’s no breath
to make it sing.

The clown is dead
and very silly –
distorted figure
like a doll would be.

МЕ: For I am young

For I am young
and very stupid,
or was “naive”
the word for me,

I took your words
and wrote a “Bible”
for I believed
it’s love I see.

To dust you turned
my mind and soul
and broke to pieces
my every bone.

My heart you burned,
you made me crawl
and strangled me with laces
and nailed me to a stone.

For beasts and vultures
could feast on flesh
of young and stupid
girl – on me.

ME: My mask

A smiling face
is what you wanted -
it’s what you get
out now of me,

but don’t you dare
to ask for tears,
for I wouldn’t care
to satisfy your plea.

My lips are ready painted -
upon my face they glow in red,
ever ready to be smiling
at the other’s words and deeds.

You have my mask -
to know forever
every single line on it,

but my face and soul -
you’ll never
get to see and on them spit.

ME: A room with people

A room with people
as full as it can be,
alone in centre I am standing,
alone as never asked to be.

I pulled my mask
all grumped and ugly,
exposed my heart
for all to see

and heard the silence
all around me,
in the crowded room –
there’s only me…

Saturday, May 7, 2011

ME: Като удавена лодка

Като удавена лодка
насред реката
клатушкам се бавно
по тъмен тротоар,

със дупки от думи
и погледи мръсни,
с тъга и без воля
и много печал…

Вървя през града
и тебе те търся -
сред хора и сгради,
през локви от кал.

Вървя и не виждам
очите ти чисти
да гледат към мен
през мътния хаос.

От тук и от там
прокрадват се тихо
демони грозни
и мъртви души,

а аз търся ли, търся
пътят обратен
към твойта постеля
и наште мечти.

И бродя, и ходя
без за миг да се спирам,
но туй дето го търся,
тъй и не намирам…

Е, в морски град живея сега, време беше за нещо лодкарско като че ли...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

МЕ: Прецъфтели блянове

Прецъфтяха вишните във София
и минзухарите, и другите цветя,
посърна цвят и дъхавост,
потъна всичко в сивота.

Далеч от теб, аз пролет не видях
щастливи бури и съдрани небеса,
дъжд от цветове и мисли,
сняг от пухкави пера.

Далеч от теб, аз всяка нощ сънувах
градини приказни и чудни езера,
не можах да ги докосна никога,
останаха единствено в съня.

Беше време пак да постихоплетствам... Или пък не? :Р

Sunday, May 1, 2011

ME: Daily truth

You get to know yourself through your friends
and through the lack of them too.