Thursday, September 1, 2011

ME: To Finland with love

Exactly a year ago I ended up in an empty room in Helsinki, with only a wardrobe, my sleeping bag and half of my luggage lost somewhere at Munich airport. There was even no light-bulb on the ceiling... I was scared... I was alone... My heart was tearing... And yet I was happy! I was where I wanted to be for so long... Finally! Eventually! Undoubtedly!!!

I thought I loved Finland even before I came here.
I thought I knew I was going to be happy.
I thought I was prepared...
But I wasn't.

I had no clue how different this northermost corner of Europe would be from my home. And yet how fast it fascinated me, it grabbedme and didn't let me go, until I felt at home...

I only thought I made my "research" on the great surprises that Finland had for me, but... Well, reading about things and living them are two so different ways to perceive.

I never stopped missing every single person I left behind, but I was lucky. Lucky that I met couple of people that pushed me, carried me, guided me, dragged me through the hard periods I had here and made everything look so easy and so fun!
(You, those few people, should know I'm talking about you and I hope you know how special you are for me even if I don't use your names here!) And also those few people supporting me from 2300km away... I could never return the moments you needed me and Iwasn't there (physically) but I'll never stop trying to make it up to you all!

So an year passed by so fast that is impossible to believe that is gone...

Finland was pushing me my limits and even beyond the ones I thought I had... But for every effort, Finland also used to award me with some of the its amazing jewels - its nature, its culture, its people. I never believed that I could do many of the things I managed to do, I never had the faith that I could be the person I was and the person I've become.

I still have one more year to be here and I know that we (me and Finland) can make it even better than the previous. No one knows where the wind will take me afterwards - Finland doesn't neither do I... I might spent my life in the lands of the wandering sunshine and everlasting winters or I may find my happiness elsewhere and never see its beautiful shores again... One thing is for sure tho' - part of my heart will stay in Finland and I'll take a piece of Finland in me, and...

It will always be my dreamland,
the place were I wanted to be.

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